Key Themes

  • Authoritarianism

    The forcible placement of Sun-shin and other Asian-Americans into "protection" camps echoes Japanese internment during WWII. In times of crisis, like in the world of the story and during WWII, why does authoritarianism flourish?

  • Hierarchy

    In Sun-shin's world, there is green status and red status, the imprisoned and the free. How does systematized division and hierarchy affect Sun-shin and his friend, Kyle? Despite the immense risks, why does Sun-shin try to escape?

  • Race & Racism

    In "Red Status," the government's reasoning for forcing Asian-Americans into camps is a rise in anti-Asian hate and violence. How can we connect Sun-shin's fictional experience with the very real experiences of anti-Asian hate and violence during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Red Status

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    • Red Status

    • Chapter 1

    • Chapter 2

    • Chapter 3

    • Chapter 4

    • Chapter 5

    • Chapter 6

    • Chapter 7

    • Chapter 8

    • Chapter 9

    • Chapter 10

    • Epilogue

    • About the Author

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