Key Themes

  • Immigration

    Ignacio has lived his entire life in an Argentine pueblo, but his parents are intent on pursuing the American Dream.

  • Culture Shock

    Ignacio is lifted from his comfortable life in the country and forced into the city of San Francisco.

  • The American Dream

    Will Ignacio adapt to his new surroundings? Or will Ignacio and his parents pay the price for the American dream?

When We Get There

  • 1


    • About "When We Get There"

    • Chapter 1

    • Chapter 2

    • Chapter 3

    • Chapter 4

    • Chapter 5

    • Chapter 6

    • Chapter 7

    • Chapter 8

    • Chapter 9

    • Chapter 10

    • About the Author

  • 2

    Related Resources

    • Watch Author Interview

    • Read 1 Student's Reaction to the Story

    • Preview Free Classroom Slides

    • Download Free Classroom Slides

Student Responses to "When We Get There"

Eric L.

October 2022

"As a high school junior, I would typically feel repelled by the idea of going to college out of state, despite the vast amount of great colleges there are far from my home. But after hearing Eluney speak in this episode, I felt more receptive to creating a new home in a new environment. I am Mexican and I am surrounded by Mexican immigrant culture. My friends have the same type of parenting. So when I heard that my environment is not the whole world or how it functions, I thought about the diversity I would be exposed to if I did not limit myself to staying in one home. With that in mind, I felt less afraid of offering myself to the new environment and gaining a new perspective of the world. There is no doubt that being unaware of our surroundings is uncomfortable but you can choose to become aware."

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Novelly's Library of Youth-Written Literature