Key Themes

  • Censorship

    A girl distributes banned books gifted from her English teacher to little free libraries in her neighborhood. Why does book censorship matter to her? To any of us? What can we do in response?

  • The Power of Books

    The young boy, little girl, and college student find the book they needed to feel seen and inspired, only to learn that it had been banned. What is the power that literature can have on our lives?

  • Family

    At the heart of this story is a grandmother and her granddaughter awaiting the day when the granddaughter must leave for college on the opposite coast. How do we cope with loss and change when it comes to our loved ones?

Out Where the Bluebirds Flew

  • 1


    • Out Where the Bluebirds Flew

    • Parts 1-4

    • Parts 5-8

    • Parts 9-12

    • Parts 13-17

    • Parts 18-20

    • Parts 21-28

    • Parts 29-37

    • Parts 38-51

  • 2

    Related Resources

    • Author Interview

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