Key Themes

  • Gender

    Mario is a boy on the brink of manhood. But when he begins to lose his grasp, he becomes a monarch testing how far his newly crystalized wings of apathy and self-destruction can stretch before they—or someone in their vicinity—shatter.

  • Romance

    Mario struggles with a romance that feels so wrong but so right at the same time. Mario reflects that: "I’ll leave the regret till tomorrow, because tomorrow I can forget that I was so okay with this happening."


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    • "De-Cocooned"

    • Chapter 1

    • Chapter 2

    • Chapter 3

    • Chapter 4

    • Chapter 5

    • Chapter 6

    • Chapter 7

    • Chapter 8

    • Chapter 9

    • Chapter 10

    • About the Author

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    Related Resources

    • Watch Author Interview